Working Harder
Integrity Saw & Tool is a leader in manufacturing custom carbide-tipped saw blades. Our years of experience and CNC carbide grinders allow us to produce a custom saw blade to meet your precise specifications.
Many production applications require a specific custom saw blade to ensure a clean cut is achieved without burrs, chipping, or melting. Special kerfs and diameters are not a problem — from 2 inches to 36 inches.
We stock a large inventory of carbide-tipped saw blades for wood, laminate, melamine, plastic, solid surface and non-ferrous materials. Special bore sizes and pinholes can be machined at our shop for same day shipment.
Eventually, even the best carbide-tipped saw blades can lose their edge, but it is not always necessary to replace the blade. And when your business requires precision sawing of wood, non-ferrous metal, or plastics, you can’t afford to have carbide-tipped saw blades that are dull, missing teeth, chipped, or have bent and cracked plates.
We restore carbide-tipped saw blades to pristine condition by replacing the tips. To maintain carbide strength and extend life, we flood the blades with coolant during the sharpening procedure to eliminate micro chipping. We deliver consistent quality with extremely close tolerances for maximum customer satisfaction.
With our computerized inspection, we can determine if carbide-tipped saw blades need to be hammered and tensioned. If carbide-tipped saw blades need to be hammered or tensioned, we have a hammersmith on staff with more than 15 years of experience to ensure your reground blade will perform as good as — or better than — it did when it was brand new.